Monday, September 24, 2007

Day 22 -- Earning my keep

In the past when I've stayed at the Center for Great Apes (and when I've volunteered at other primate sanctuaries), I load and unload washers and dryers, prepare snacks, and do other odd jobs that need to be done but aren't part of the daily care-and-feeding routine. Well, doing laundry is, but it's peripheral.

Today I was called upon to help clean out night houses and outdoor areas, too. And I was assured that I was actually helping out and not just getting in the way. Good to know that my time here is actually useful to the staff AND that they trust me enough to permit me to walk in areas that are off-limits to visitors. (CGA is NOT open to the public, but donors and a few other invited guests are sometimes allowed to visit and take an escorted tour.)

Not sure what's in store for tomorrow. One thing I can probably count on is more hot, muggy weather.

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